Members may direct service requests and billing inquiries to Sentry Management:
Sentry Management
5000 W 95th St, Suite 200
Prairie Village, KS 66207
Leah Larson
Property Manager
Yard Waste collection season runs all year round with weekly pickup on Thursday. Yard waste will be serviced 1x/week, year-round. Residents can dispose of a maximum of 10 bags per week. The residents can use bio-degradable paper bags that they purchase from a local merchant. Bags cannot exceed 40 pounds in weight. If yard waste is in the trash bin, it will not be serviced and they will not return until the following week. The residents can bundle the branches in bundles that will not exceed 4 feet in length, 18 inches in diameter, or 40 pounds in weight. GFL will accept Christmas trees that have been cut into sections no more than 4 feet in length. If you need to contact GFL for a bin swap out, missed pick up, bulk item pick up ($50 per service request), you will contact 816-380-5595 or email and tell them you are a Waterford HOA resident.
BOARD MEETINGS - held on 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:30 pm at the Sentry Management Office Conference Room. If any homeowners would like to attend, the virtual link is available on the agendas posted or you can email Leah Larson at to obtain the virtual link.
WATERFORD EMAILSWaterford sends news to residents via email. If you would like to receive the Waterford emails and are not now receiving them, please email
To register on our website for the online directory and the eblast system, please click on the "Directory" link to reach the Login screen, and then click "Register" to enroll. Your registration will be activated within a few days by our communications director, and a password will be emailed to you. The Waterford eblasts provide timely information like neighborhood alerts, as well as updates on association business.
Waterford has a “Members-Only” Facebook page. You must make an initial request to gain access.
The purpose of the Facebook page is to allow Waterford neighborhood news to be communicated for neighborhood activity. This would include examples of social events, lost pets, recommendations for vendors, babysitters, etc. The Facebook page is not an official HOA platform for communications.
If you have a suggestion for a post, please send your suggestion to, who will relay that suggestion to the Board.
Rules for posting comments on the Waterford FB page
- Be polite.
- Stay on topic of referenced post.
- No advertisements.
Waterford's Board reserves the right to delete any objectionable comment or to block authors who repeatedly abuse the page.
STREET TREES Please find the page on the left dedicated to Street Trees for more information.